Tag Archives: this is beautiful


there are many things victor loves about yuuri. it’d take too long to list them all, but among the beautiful eyes, adorable soft cheeks and those squishy thighs and full hips, victor actually loves yuuri’s back the most. there’s is just something incredibly sexy about the shift of muscle under yuuri’s tan skin, something absolutely mesmerizing in the nooks of the spine that arches under victor’s touch. he could spend hours just massaging yuuri’s back until it’s slick and soft and deliciously flushed, and he’d be a happy, happy camper. honestly.

“what are you doing?” yuuri asks whenever victor kisses the shoulder bones or the little dip in his spine.

and victor then smiles into his warm skin, and says: “admiring what nature gave me,” only to watch the back of yuuri’s neck flush a deep red that he is certain blossoms into a blush on yuuri’s face, which has victor chuckle into yuuri’s side and climb the length of his spine with kisses until he can press his lips against yuuri’s ear.

“and it’s been very generous so far,” he whispers before he promptly gives into laughter when yuuri makes a silly sound of embarrassment that is only partially muffled by the pillow his face is smooshed in.

still laughing, victor slides off of yuuri’s back and kisses his cheek gently. he waits for yuuri to turn his head towards him and then grins – a stupidly smitten grin that only yuuri and makkachin get to put onto his face with their inherent cuteness.

“I love you,” he tells a flushed yuuri, who looks at him with a warmth that sets victor’s heart alight.

yuuri’s eyes soften at that, even if they were soft to begin with – they melt, and they melt victor into a poodle of feeling as well. so when yuuri’s lips quirk into a little smile just as he leans over the last remaining centimeters to kiss his reply into victor’s oil slicked lips, victor meets him halfway, because that’s what he does.

that’s what he’ll always do.

and it’s a promise he seals against yuuri’s lips. which he adores just as much, if not more than yuuri’s back. or, wait, maybe he simply loves the whole of yuuri. period.


Fanart of Charmed, I’m Sure by @adjit

“Yuuri has always believed in the little moments, and maybe that’s why he’s so unprepared when a big moment throws itself through the door and practically collapses against the counter and asks for help. Or, rather than a moment, a man who makes a moment.

Yuuri is just a witch working in a small magic shop when suddenly, Viktor Nikiforov throws himself into his life asking about a charm, of all things.“ 

I love this fic so much. Viktuuri are great. The author is great. So much love.

This story is one of my faves, those I rec everywhere.

This is the best I can do for now, and I had to give up on elements I wanted, but I’m pleased with this, I think.

I hope you like this as a finished version, Duckie!