Tag Archives: the FUCK EU

IMPORTANT! The EU is About to Destroy The Internet #DeleteArt13







Sources: http://ow.ly/HsGP10168R5

Sign the Petition: https://saveyourinternet.eu/

EDRI Article: http://ow.ly/VEpH101689Z
Techdirt article: http://ow.ly/gs9b101689X

Hope this will spread as much as save net neutrality posts

it’s way worse than that law actually, in US they “just” wanted your money, here the EU goverment wants to take our freedom without even giving a choice


I’m just speechless. Dudes, this is wayyyy worse then The Net Neutrality bullshit in the US. Spread this like a wildfire! I don’t wanna lose everything I have thanks to this law!

Oh my gosh why am I only hearing about this now?
Please everyone, spread this! Most of the time we talk about problems that are happening in the US but this time it’s in the EU and we need to stand against it!!

Please help if you can it’s going to make so much damage! 
Just for an example, both of my blogs will disappear if it isn’t stopped, ao3 will also disappear for european countries just like every website like these ones.

So please, help!!


if this legislation passes, it will mean that just linking to other websites will get taxed, meaning that for example, listing sources will cost you. this will affect all websites including news websites. it will also mean that the owners of websites will be held accountable for all material posted there, and you can’t post anything you do not own. ANYTHING. everything you want to upload will go through copyright filters and it doesn’t mean if you’re using the material for something that falls under fair use like commentary, parody, transformative works etc because it’s not yours. of course, the filters aren’t mandatory by law but when you take into account how huge the fines would be….. yeah.

these are only a small part of how it will affect things so please watch the video and read more about this and act. this entire legislation is one huge disastrous clusterfuck and we can’t let it pass