Tag Archives: rivals series

Okay, Viktor is the one with more sexual experience, but I’m sure Yuuri did his research pretty well (specially during their time apart), so Top 10 (or 5) Times Yuuri Surprised Viktor in Bed (either unlocking new kinks or giving him the best bj of his life, basically turning Viktor into a molten mess).


Top 10 Times Yuuri Surprised Viktor in Bed

10) For Viktor’s birthday, Yuuri decided to wear the Eros
costume with a few…modifications. By the end of the night it was ruined beyond
all repair but it died for a noble cause and Viktor walked around grinning like
an idiot for days after

9) When Yuuri first won gold, he decided to make sure Viktor
kept his promise about kissing gold and still had it on when Viktor walked into
their hotel room that night. Which is when Viktor first discovered that Yuuri
is hot but Yuuri with a medal on is even hotter, especially when he’s ordering
Viktor around in bed

8) The first time Yuuri ever gave Viktor a blowjob, Viktor
lost all ability to form full sentences and Yuuri was very pleased with himself

7) For the first few months of their relationship, Yuuri was
very hesitant to try dirty talking and didn’t get more than a few sentences
through it. Viktor assured him that it didn’t matter but Yuuri was
determined to be able to do it. He figured it out in secret until he felt comfortable in his ability to do it well and
then one night, when Viktor was expecting it to just be sweet, quiet sex, Yuuri
unleashed some of the filthiest things that he had ever heard and sent all the
blood in Viktor’s body rushing to somewhere that was definitely not his head

6) The first time they ever slept together as a couple left Viktor
speechless and also very cuddly and affectionate afterwards because he was so
happy that he and Yuuri were together and Yuuri had just rocked his world

5) Once, Yuuri dragged Viktor into the showers of the St
Petersburg rink as a surprise when everyone else had gone home. The next
day, no-one could figure out why Viktor blushed so much every time he looked
towards the shower room

4) After they had been together for a few months, Viktor suggested the idea of trying some more adventurous things to Yuuri. A few days later, he
came home to Yuuri holding a pair of handcuffs and asking if they could try tying Viktor up that night and Viktor pretty much came then and there

3) During the Olympics, Viktor got a text from
Yuuri which was just ‘come to my room and wear your team Russia jacket.’ When he
arrived, Yuuri was wearing nothing but his team Japan jacket and proceeded to
drag Viktor into his room for several rounds of playfully competitive sex that left Viktor breathless and had all
the people in the rooms near them put in headphones for the night

2) Viktor is the taller of the two of them but Yuuri is
stronger. They both found this out when they realised that Viktor really likes
getting pinned down by Yuuri in bed and Yuuri really likes pinning Viktor down, which
was a win-win situation for both of them

1) On their wedding night, Yuuri called Viktor his husband
in bed and it was an instant kink unlocked

Are you still taking Top10 requests? One of my favorite things about the Rivals series are the hilarious social media comments. Would you do a Top10 twitter reactions to Yuuri’s Lana Del Ray skate?


Top 10 twitter reactions to Yuuri’s Lana Del Ray skate

(for those of you who have started following me more
recently, this is in reference to something that Rivals!Yuuri does. In response
to some bitter fans accusing him of only sleeping with Viktor so that Viktor
will help him win gold, he spite skates to Lana Del Ray’s ‘Fucked My Way Up To
The Top’ during an ice show)


9)  ‘Viktor Nikiforov’s
face while watching his fiancé skate to that routine is something that I will
treasure forever’

8) ‘Is there a word for when you’re impressed but also kind
of turned on at the same time’

7) ‘Me after watching Katsuki skate his newest routine:’



5) ‘That was so tasteless, I knew that there was a reason I
didn’t like him’ (because some people will always be bitter no matter what)

4) ‘So he’s admitting it then????’ (Because let’s be real,
some people are idiots and do not understand jokes or sarcasm)

3) ‘So, not to derail from how awesome Katsuki’s skate was
but did anyone notice Nikiforov’s awkward boner while watching it?’

2) ‘When Katsuki blew a kiss to Nikiforov, I died, he died,
we all died. I will never recover (and neither will Viktor Nikiforov)’


10 times Yuuri makes the world think “What have you done this is not the Viktor Nikiforov we’ve known” or vice versa PLEASE


Ten Times Viktor or Yuuri Make The World Think ‘This Is Not The Katsuki/Nikiforov’ We’ve Known:

10) Most people are used to seeing Viktor pretty focused and
serious during competitions but as soon as he and Yuuri are
together, you can’t get one single shot of him where he’s not staring adoringly
at his boyfriend/fiancé/husband with hearts in his eyes

9) Yuuri is usually pretty reclusive on social media and the
pictures he does post are pretty tame. He’s also relatively reserved in
interviews so most people who don’t know him assume he’s like that in private that way
too. At least, they do until pictures of Yuuri half-naked and plastering himself possessively
over Viktor end up online and then everyone realises that they were very wrong

8) Viktor is usually very calm and composed when competing
which is why no-one can believe it when a video ends up online of him slumping
onto the sofa and bemoaning his loss dramatically when Yuuri wrecks him at video
games for the hundredth time running. It turns out having a gamer boyfriend
while being terrible at games brings out a completely different side to Viktor
and that side is shamelessly trying to get sympathy kisses from Yuuri for
constantly losing

7) Yuuri doesn’t do much PDA (because he like to
keep some things private and just for Viktor and himself) but when he does, boy does he
make a statement. Famous incidents involve kissing Viktor on the podium, the
tie grab and running and literally jumping into Viktor’s arms in an airport after
finally being reunited after several long weeks, when competitions had been keeping them

6) A lot of people were surprised when Viktor tied Yuuri’s
skates, kissed Yuuri’s skates etc because no-one had guessed Viktor Nikiforov
had a foot kink up until that point and yet suddenly, there it was

5) Yuuri doesn’t dress badly but he’s also not exactly
renown for his sense of style. Which is why is caused such a stir when he showed up one day in a designer three piece suit with his hair slicked back and looking like
he just stepped off a runway. There were many appreciative tweets sent to
Viktor for the excellent choice of clothes for his fiancé that night

4) In all the previous footage of Viktor training, he’s
always been very focused and serious. When new training footage comes out after
Yuuri moves to St Petersburg, it mainly consists of Viktor flirting with Yuuri,
looking adoringly at Yuuri or grinning like the happiest man on earth while he

3) Yuuri is notorious for not liking to talk too much during
interviews and keeping his answers short. But after he and Viktor get together,
if anyone mentions Viktor he’ll go off on a tangent praising how amazing and
talented he is and it’s almost impossible to steer him back on topic

2) The media image of Viktor that Viktor’s managers put out over the years used
to be a charming, flirtatious playboy because it was an attractive image to
fans and easy to sell, even if that wasn’t really who Viktor was at all. But
after he got together with Yuuri every one of his accounts was flooded with photos
of them snuggling on the sofa together, playing with their dogs together, him cooking Yuuri
dinner while wearing a ‘kiss the chef’ apron etc. That’s when everyone’s
fantasies of Viktor irreversibly changed from ‘the hot playboy who seduces you
in a whirlwind night of your life and then leaves because it’s just not Meant
To Be’ to ‘domestic fantasy extraordinaire with Viktor in a comfortable sweater
cooking a homemade dinner to eat together by candlelight while romantic music plays in the background, complete with sleep domestic sex cuddling afterward.’
Unfortunately for all his fans, Yuuri is the only one who gets this privilege.

1) Since they’re both athletes, most of their fans are used
to Viktor and Yuuri looking happiest at competition when they’re at the top of the podium. So what they don’t expect is to see Viktor and Yuuri smiling the widest when they’ve
won silver. Viktor when he’s standing under Yuuri on the Olympic podium and
looking like the proudest man alive and Yuuri when he’s holding silver at
Viktor’s last ever World Championships, looking up at his husband ending his
career on a high and a gold meal, with the biggest smile in the world on his face

Top 10 WORST pics of Vitya that were published!


Top 10 worst pictures of Viktor:

10) A picture of him face first on the ice of the St
Petersburg rink after he had a rather spectacular fall on a simple move, due to
Yuuri walking past him in a sweaty and basically see through white t-shirt at the exact moment he jumped. The
picture was taken and uploaded by Yuri

9) A picture of him aged 6 when he was taking part in a kids ice show. They were all dressed up and he was dressed up in a huge painted cardboard costume and looking very
adorable yet completely ridiculous. Viktor vehemently denies the picture exists
until Yuuri dug it up one day and almost died of the cute while also laughing
his ass off

8) Viktor had the unfortunate luck of being a teenager during
the 2000s which means he took part in some of the really terrible fashion of
the time. He still denies he would ever wear double denim. Chris swears he has
photographic evidence that shows otherwise

7) Viktor was a good-looking teenager but he still never quite
managed to escape the curse of oily teenage skin. Most of the time it was
completely hidden under layers of concealer during competitions but there were
still a few pictures of him floating around looking miserable in his mid-teens
with greasy hair and spots all over his face on his worst days. Yuuri, who had been
blessed with clear skin pretty much his entire life, has never understood this

6) The first time Georgi ever convinced Viktor to let him
try and do Viktor’s make-up. Enough said.

5) A picture of him and Chris stumbling out of their hotel after
a night out when they were both in their early twenties, looking like they had
just been dragged backwards through a bush and not slept in weeks. While both
of them regret the paparazzi catching such an unflattering shot, they both
maintain it was still an excellent night.

4) Since Viktor bad photos are incredibly few and far
between due to him being unfairly photogenic, there was once an internet
campaign going around asking if it was possible for Viktor Nikiforov to take a
bad photo. Yuuri finally responded with a picture of Viktor drooling on the pillow
while fast asleep, cuddling Makkachin and wearing the ‘I’ll make you win gold because you’ll be coming first tonight’ t-shirt
that Chris got him as a joke and he never wears in public to prove that yes, it
is indeed possible to take a bad photo of Viktor Nikiforov. Viktor allowed him to post it on the condition
that he was allowed to post as many adorable photos of Yuuri sleeping captioned
‘sleeping beauty’ as he wanted

3) Yuuri once said something at a competition that made
Viktor laugh so hard that he cried. Viktor is a pretty crier and a pretty
laugher but when the two of them are put together, he ends up gasping for
breath with his face all blotchy and red and scrunched up while he’s in
hysterics. It might not be the most attractive he’s ever looked but Yuuri still
loves the photo because of how happy Viktor looks in it and maintains that when he was
laughing that hard, he was beautiful.

2) Viktor once walked face first straight into a pole because of
something Yuuri whispered in his ear and ended up covered in blood from his
bleeding nose while looking a little dazed and yet very pleased with himself.
Some paparazzi caught the photo and there was a lot of internet talk going on
about how Viktor still looked at Yuuri so adoringly while covered in blood

1) All of the screenshots of Viktor taken mid-jump because
it is literally impossible to look attractive like that. You know the type, all
the ones that make him look like this or this or this