Tag Archives: official art


As you might have seen from some photos, Howa Sports Land in Nagoya is collaborating with Yuri on Ice, and for the occasion, Hiramatsu drew illustrations featuring their local skaters, and of course, Yuuri.

The male skaters are
Hino Ryuju, Yamamoto Sota, Sasaki Sei, and Tsuboi Tatsuya, while the female skaters are
Hongo Rika, Yokoi Yuhana, Yokoi Kinayu, and Maeno Sora.

They all look amazing!

(Photos from sesameyoi)


PLOT TWIST: It’s been confirmed that Yuuri’s new costume that will be displayed in Yuri on Museum starting from tomorrow is the costume from the cover of the new Yoi Select (production) book!

These small snippets are all that’s been posted so far and I doubt they’ll show us more, since they don’t want to spoil the experience for the visitors but goddamn it, it’s beautiful.

Does that mean this (and Victor’s) costume will appear in the movie in some shape or form? Who knows.


“Don’t give up yet kid, you hear me, you’re too young to retire!”

One of my favorites from the YOI production art book is this under appreciated drawing of Morooka and Yuuri. Look how cute they are!!! I’ve always loved how supportive Morooka was of Yuuri and his skating career.