Tag Archives: not anime











Babylonian era problems. (photo via tbc34)

old school hate mail

Imagine how pissed you have to be to engrave a rock

Ok but there was this guy called Ea-nasir who was a total crook and would actually cheat people ought of good copper and sell them shit instead.
The amount of correspondences complaining to and about this guy are HILARIOUS.

Are you telling me we know about a specific guy who lived 5000 years ago, by name, because he was a huge asshole

More like 4000 years ago but yes. Ea-nasir and his dodgy business deals.

And we haven’t even touched on the true hilarity of the situation yet. Consider two additional facts:

  • He wasn’t just into copper trading. There are letters complaining about Ea-nasir’s business practices with respect to everything from kitchenwares to real estate speculation to second-hand clothing. The guy was everywhere.
  • The majority of the surviving correspondences regarding Ea-nasir were recovered from one particular room in a building that is believed to have been Ea-nasir’s own house.

Like, these are clay tablets. They’re bulky, fragile, and difficult to store. They typically weren’t kept long-term unless they contained financial records or other vital information (which is why we have huge reams of financial data about ancient Babylon in spite of how little we know about the actual culture: most of the surviving tablets are commercial inventories, bills of sale, etc.).

But this guy, this Ea-nasir, he kept all of his angry letters – hundreds of them – and meticulously filed and preserved them in a dedicated room in his house. What kind of guy does that?

[ source ]

Okay, but imagine from the other guy’s point of view. You send angry letters about how Ea-nasir shipped you half a ton of subpar copper, and then 3800 years later—

History: you are without a doubt the worst business man ive ever heard of


WHAT are you telling me there’s FANFIC













Tumblr: *rolls out “best stuff first”*

My blog:

on the one hand this is a joke post because lol i have never made a good post in my life, but also, if i hadn’t made the connection

between this update and my sudden nosedive in activity, i would have been really fucking discouraged about all the shit i’ve been working on lately. i guarantee there are people on tumblr right now who haven’t made that connection, and who are trying to figure out why suddenly no one likes anything they’ve made. and that fucking sucks.

Reminder to go into your settings and turn off ‘Best Stuff First’ because my activity’s tanked a couple days ago for no reason so this stuff IS happening.

You WILL miss content with that setting on.

i ain’t joking when i say that my activity looks JUST like this too and i wasn’t sure why

I can only find the option on the app under Settings > Dashboard Preferences.

To support content creators do us a favour and turn off “Best stuff first”. Open the tumblr app (Android or iOs) and go to “Settings > Dashboard Preferences. And please reblog this post, so that everybody will see this. Thank you very much!

Wow tumblr thanks?

y’all. please turn off that feature. It’ll really help content creators like me

Ok so it wasn’t just my imagination??? Tumblr, you’re a di… ngus.


I don’t have the option on my Dashboard setting yet. (And I don’t even have a Tumblr app anymore) But if you do, please turn “Best stuff first” off for all the creators.

Hey guys, I never reblog stuff but this is important. Most of tumblr traffic comes from mobile. Switch this option off to help content creators. It sucks to be put on the bottom of the dash and having our work never seen. 

Huh… so this is a thing.

@maydei, @stars-glow-for-you, @postingpebbles, @possibleplatypus, @sebatticus: thank you, guys! 💜💛💚💙 Yes, I’m definitely safe; inconvenienced, sure, but that’s a minor problem.
And there are some lovely people playing music at the airport, too! There was a girl playing the violin (she even played TS’s Look What You Made Me Do, and I was FLOORED). And now it’s an adorable old man playing the xylophone.
The Atlanta International Airport is growing on me a bit XD

(Btw, Laz: your friend’s stepdad may have gotten stuck because of that not-really-a-bomb debacle in Orlando; I heard a few airport employees saying it had delayed planes everywhere, not just Florida!)

Robbie’s misadventures in America

After a magical week in Disney, what could possibly be waiting for hubby and I at the Orlando International Airport?

A bomb scare.

Or rather: “bomb” scare. Someone’s camera battery freaking EXPLODED inside their bag, someone else got scared and yelled the B word, and lo and behold, mass hysteria. Everyone ran every other way (including, haha, the police), the whole place was (messily) evacuated and no one went in for almost an hour.

By the time we were actually allowed back in, the TSA line went on for MILES.

And that’s when, haha, I realize: I left my phone inside the uber that had taken us to the airport.

My phone. With ALL of my Disney pictures in it (not to mention the pictures from my honeymoon, from 2 years ago, that I was too lazy to transfer to my computer or a cloud).

After I burst into tears for a couple of seconds, we reach an agreement: hubby would wait in line while I’d try to contact uber. Uber provides you with a Lost Item service, where they connect you with the driver in whose car you left said lost item. Great!

Except that I need to do it through my account, in-app, and I don’t have the app because I DON’T HAVE MY PHONE.

So I use the shitty airport wifi to find some sort of uber help link, using hubby’s phone. Uber asks you to provide a phone number for them to call you back – I have hubby’s phone, but it’s not an American number. And his phone doesn’t have roaming service. (Mine does, but. That’s the phone I DON’T HAVE ON ME RIGHT NOW.)

I walk into the nearest store – Kennedy Space Center store – and ask to use their phone. The 2 girls at the counter are WONDERFUL and help me through it all (while a little boy, cute as a button but who was obviously the spawn of the devil, wreaks havoc around the store, and his mother placidly watches, with an occasional, half-assed “no, don’t do that”. I helped the girls reorganize the store after Hurricane Little Boy). Uber calls me and contacts my driver, Jessie, who is this amazing guy who immediately says “yes, ma’am, you left your phone here. I’ll take it to you right now”, and I am suddenly convinced God is real.

Meanwhile, hubby is still in line for the TSA, and has made friends with two adorable older ladies from Ohio. They hit it off so well I was partially convinced he was gonna leave me for them – but that’s fine, I had the two cashiers at the Kennedy Space Center anyway.

After almost two hours, Jessie shows up at the airport, looks for us in the middle of the sheer CHAOS that the place was still drowning in, finds my husband and gives him my phone. That’s when the TSA line starts moving, and we finally make it to the plane. I even rewatched part of The Princess Bride on the flight, which is always, ALWAYS a plus.

Everything worked out! We got to Atlanta (where we’d get our connection) at around midnight.

EXCEPT that, because of the THREE HOUR DELAY in Orlando – thank you, Random Person Whose Battery Exploded And Scared An Entire Airport Into Evacuating, and fuck you – we missed our connection. We were rebooked, of course, but to a flight leaving at 7:45 PM the next day.

We slept at the airport, on a couple of chairs and using the giant stuffed Scooby-doo I bought at Universal as a pillow. Not the best night, I’ll tell you that. Also: WHY IS ATLANTA SO COLD, GODDAMMIT. I feel personally attacked by the climate here.

Currently, at 9:30 in the morning, we have to wait another 10 hours for our flight back home.

In conclusion: I’m not terribly fond of Delta airlines or Atlanta right now.

But I will forever remember Jessie, the gentle giant Uber driver from Florida (who believes in dreams and spirituality, and hopes a certain president gets impeached soon); Caleigh, the girl from Winter Park, FL, who works at the Kennedy Space Center store at the Orlando International Airport (and also hopes a certain president gets impeached soon); Elaine, from Puerto Rico, who also works at the store (mother of three, and 100% DONE with Hurricane Little Boy); Eva and Susie, the two retired teachers from Ohio (who kept hubby company and cheered really hard when I got my phone back. Eva likes sudoku, and Susie wanted to rewatch Mary Poppins, but didn’t remember her Apple password).

Thank you to all 5 of you for bringing lovely moments to an otherwise horrible night. It’s people like you who make the difference.



where an international spy gets the wrong intel and strikes up a conversation with an informant but it turns out the other person is just normal. they aren’t a spy, they’re just having a coffee when this well dressed stranger quoted some pop culture reference and they couldn’t help but answer because like, it was so obvious

now the spy weekly talks shop while the normal person relates

“almost died last week”

“tell me about it, the new management is terrible”

imagine your otp