Tag Archives: my princess bride au


Chases, escapes, true love & miracles
Part X

They landed less than gracefully — and quite painfully, in fact — straight into the brook at the bottom of the ravine. When Yuuri dared open his eyes in proof that no, he was not dead, all he saw was a mess of silver hair. Only then did he realize Victor’s hand had protected his head from impact, while Victor himself was quite immobile.

“V— Victor? Victor, are you okay?!” he asked, because it would be very Fate-like to have Victor die in the fall just as they had reunited (at least, he liked to think that’s what Victor’s clumsy tackle had been: a reunion).

To his infinite relief, Victor raised his head, with a smile that was finally, finally aimed at Yuuri. The smile he’d spent the last five years dreaming of, and that made his eyes sparkle like the sea after a storm.

“Yuuri, you’re alive! I can’t believe it’s you, my sweet, sweet Yuuri!”

“Um… yes, I’m alive. Was that… not clear?”

“No! I thought you’d died! We heard the Yu-topia attacked the ship you were on, and—”

“Wait. Who did you think I was, then?!”

Victor’s eyes went wide. “The… Dread Pirate Eros? You said the Yu-topia was your ship!”

“So you… right now, you… didn’t know you were talking to me? You didn’t recognize me?!”

“Yuuri, I don’t know if you realized that, but you had a mask on that covered your hair and more than half of your face. And you know, the whole… ‘being dead’ thing really did not help.” Victor’s eyes sparkled even more, and Yuuri realized with a twist in his gut that those were actually tears. “Yuuri, I… all these years, I thought…”

A couple of tears sparkling in those eyes fell on Yuuri’s face, making short work of his heart. He wiped the next ones before they could fall and smiled. “I told you we’d see each other again, didn’t I? That there was no possibility of me not coming back?”

“Yes, but you died,” said Victor. “Surely that accounts for not coming back?”

Yuuri chuckled. “And let our story end? Never.”

“But you were attacked! By the… Dread Pirate Eros? But… aren’t you the Dread Pirate Eros?!” asked Victor, looking understandably confused.

“Yes, I am. But um… well, it’s a long story, and perhaps we could… get out of this brook first? My back is getting a bit soaked.”

“Oh my god, Yuuri, I’m so sorry, yes, of course!”

As soon as they were sitting up, however, Victor cupped his face, looking at him as if he were some sort of miracle, and kissed him — a small, delicate kiss to the corner of his mouth, almost a test of Yuuri’s tangibility. But no matter how small or brief, to Yuuri it was the only thing to make the last five years tolerable: the knowledge that all of that had led him here, back in Victor’s arms. He closed his eyes and sunk into the warmth radiating from Victor.

“I’ve been dreaming of kissing you again for years,” Victor whispered, scarily privy to Yuuri’s most intimate thoughts. Instead of answering “so have I”, which would’ve been nothing but the truth, Yuuri pulled Victor by his lapel and kissed him again — not briefly and delicately, but with all the longing and hunger that five years of separation had built in him. Victor did not waste any time in answering in kind, surrendering all of himself to Yuuri in the matter of a second.

Keep reading

ooh i didnt know half of your princess bride au was going to be featured on yoi fantasy zine :( im so sad i cant buy it because ive been loving it so so much. still im happy for everyone who reads it you are very talented.

Hi Anon!

Oh no, dw! Princess bride au was made as a promo work for fantasy zine, only – so while it’ll be on the bonus PDF to go with the zine, it’s not zine exclusive! I’ll continue updating it here, and it’ll be posted on AO3 very soon! ^^ 

I’ll be posting the last installment of the first half of the story today (dun dun duuun 👀), and then it’ll go on a brief hiatus for me to take care of other wips, and then I’ll pick it up here as usual! 😄

Keep an eye out for today’s installment! ♥

I wanted to let u know that I ❤️ your Princess Bride Au. When do you usually update? Do you have a schedule?

Hi Anon!

Awww, thank you so much! I used to have a schedule! It used to be every Wednesday, but bc of work, I had to give up on that and actually hold off on updates for a few weeks there. My plan is to publish the final installment of this first half of the story this weekend – and then the au will go on a short vacation, unfortunately 😦 I have other wips that have been waiting for me for months, and they need my love and attention! ❤️

But there are still lots of stories within this au to be told – the prince and princess of lilac, for instance, and the “double J man” yurio’s looking for XD, and will phichit ever have his own troupe? So the second half of the story should def come after the small break I’m planning for it! ^^

Uh, hi! Um, I’m sorry if you said earlier, I haven’t seen your posts in a while… Are you going to continue the Princess Bride AU for Yuri!!! On Ice? I really love it, and I need more! Well, if you’re gonna write more, of course. Sorry to bother you…

Hi Anon! That’s okay! I do intend to continue it, yes! It’s just that other obligations are eating me alive right now XD But I hope to have the next part for next week, since things are beginning to let up a little! 

Thank you for reading it!! ♥♥♥

I had never watched The Princess Bride before reading your ficlet and I was reaaaally curious and I watched it today and !!!!!! I laughed too hard and also pictured Victor and Yuuri in the main roles while I was watching it xD Ps: I absolutely loved your ficlet!!

sljkfdgalsf thank you!!! Ahh, Princess Bride is a classic! I wish I could watch it for the first time again!! ♥♥♥ I’ve been dreaming of writing this au for so long, and finally got the courage for it! 😀 I’m trying to do things a bit differently so it’s not a carbon copy, but also trying to keep the spirit of the story there, so that pple can have an idea of what’s coming and look forward to it, but not all of it! 😉 Thank you so much! ♥

I read your Victuri Prince’s bride A.U and now all I can think about is an angry Yurio pointing a sword at J.J screaming “My name is Yuri Plisetsky, you insulted my cat. Prepare to die.” But with a lot more swearing.

Hahahahahaha! Casting Yurio as the character who’s out for revenge is too much of a temptation, isn’t it? XD

…But what if JJ did something more serious than offend his cat? O.o