Tag Archives: love it


I’d like to think that Yuuri is 90% of Viktor’s impulse control but all of that goes out the window the moment they’re drunk together. It gets wild and messy real quick with both of them swooning over each other while taking every opportunity they can to touch each other. It’s then that Yurio steps up to the plate and is 100% their impulse control which he doesn’t have to be but he can’t stand by while Yuuri attempts to drown three drinks at the same time while Viktor cheers him on in the background. And guess what? They’re both already half naked. Chris is useless because he simply enables and Phichit is also useless because he enables Christophe’s enabling. No one listens to Yakov unless they’re out on the rink and Georgi’s too busy being drunk and dramatic himself. 

Mila is honestly there to have a good time so she records everything to show in a well-prepared presentation the next day. 

All of this happens at a banquet which is why a lot of skaters look forward to that time of year. 


okay but you know what’s kind of hilarious? victor being jealous of katsudon because he thinks yuuri will never look at him like he looks at this stupid bowl of food which also tastes like heaven in victor’s mouth so he can’t judge yuuri too hard BUT the trick is played on him because the moment yuuri realizes that this is love and that victor loves him as much as he loves victor, victor gets his fair share of the ‘katsudon looks’ and he honestly feels like he will never ever complain again because yuuri eats him up faster and greedier than any bowl of katsudon and victor is  l i v i n g  f o r  i t




just discovered a neat trick

I love how Frodo just constantly side eyes Pippin on all his ideas. It’s not even a judgemental side eye, unlike Sam. It’s more of an amused, “I already know where this is going but with my Took cousin manning the reins, it’ll be 110% more entertaining. Oh…and should probably make sure he doesn’t kill himself in the process…I guess.”

Pippin: I have an idea

Gandalf: now is NOT the time

Frodo: no no let him speak