Tag Archives: katsuki yuuri


Mizuno stores in Japan are celebrating Yuuri’s birthday and have big boards up where you’re welcome to come leave messages and birthday wishes for Yuuri.

Reminder that this brand is an Olympic sponsor and they’re throwing birthday parties for a canonically gay anime character.


Shall We Skate? – Phichit + Yuuri Pair Skate version

for @phichitzine

Finally got permission to share my Phichitzine submission so here it is! The piece is my take on Phichit skating to Shall We Skate? as a pair skate, the way the piece was originally performed in the fictional film Phichit absolutely loves, The King and the Skater. He’s cast as the King of the fantasy Thailand-inspired kingdom, and of course his time-traveling magic card game-playing figure skater partner is Yuuri!

The illustration is stuffed with as many references to Kubo’s synopsis of the film as I could fit, and the magic cards are also all Phichit-centric easter eggs! I hope people who got the zine managed to catch some of them, but many cards ended up super tiny and illegible so here’s all the cards along with other notes under the cut!

Thanks so much for letting me be a part of this amazing project, I had a blast drawing my contribution! ❤


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The King and the Skater – Magic Trading Cards Closeups

(yes they’re obviously parodies of Certain trading card games LOL)


More beneath cut v v v

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