Tag Archives: disney




I call this set… “Noir Princesses”.

PRINTS HERE… https://bit.ly/2NqqOX7


I love them so much! And probably need each and every one.


The new Lion King looks sensational. But now I’m wondering if it’s gonna be as much of a shot-by-shot remake of the original as the trailer made it look… is that something we want, or need? (But then, I guess the broader question would be “do we want, or need any of these remakes?”)

On the other hand, that would be better than adding new, weird elements to the story, I guess (I’m looking at you, Beauty & the Beast, with your weird, weird magical book mcguffin, and your mother-dies-of-plague subplot, both of which lead absolutely nowhere), so who knows



One thing I like about Pixar films is how the happy ending isn’t always what you think it’ll be. The toys don’t go with Andy to college, Gusteau’s restaurant gets closed down, Mike and Sully get kicked out of university, Carl never gets Ellie to Paradise Falls. But they find out that what they wanted isn’t necessarily what they needed, and I really like the fact that kids get to learn that life doesn’t always turn out the way they dreamed and that’s okay.

I remember reading this post a couple years back, and the message stuck with me since