Tag Archives: archery au


I’ve always wanted to draw them doing traditional Japanese sports…? I like drawing these outfits. Also it’s like two in the morning and I have nothing else to do so Why not, right?

Sooooo a random AU… where Victor does kendo and Yuuri does kyudo (Japanese archery), and their dojos (training halls) are right next to each other and Victor just happens to see Yuuri at practice one day and just falls for this bespectacled beauty. And he starts skipping his own practice to go see Yuuri everyday



Kyudo is all about concentration but having Victor around doesn’t help much


Poetry slam champion Victor Nikiforov writing poetry about archery club captain Yuuri Katsuki’s back muscles as he draws his bow and how his eyes shine as he focuses on his target while Yuuri is flattered but thinks, “man I don’t understand poetry.”

in the shape of things to come


preview of my fic for @yoichasinggoldzine.  

“But your grip is a little tense. Let the bow do the work for you. You’ll give yourself a wrist injury, and I’d hate to lose one of my most promising competitors.”

There’s a sudden rush of white noise in Yuuri’s ears, as though his brain, in lieu of processing Victor’s compliment, decided to drown it out in nonsense instead.

“Keep your arm just tense enough to pull the string back far enough. Trust your training to kick in. If you’re too tense, it’ll affect your aim,” Victor says, breath hot against Yuuri’s ear. When did he get so close?

Victor’s hand lays overtop of Yuuri’s where it’s clenched around the string. He draws what should be a soothing circle over Yuuri’s knuckles with his thumb, but it hits Yuuri’s pulse like lightning, and his heart’s pounding faster than it ever has during competition.

He draws Yuuri’s hand back with his own, and the string moves easily under their combined strength as though it were made of silk.

They let the arrow fly.

It lands with a solid thump as Victor whispers in his ear, “Bullseye.”

All of the content is A+++ and i’m so happy I got to be part of this! if you want to take a look, pre-orders are open here!