Tag Archives: accurate





Everyone in Infinity Wars gonna be complaining about how hard these last few years have been for them until Thor rolls up with no hair, no hammer, and one eye. 

#“also my dad died”

Don’t forget “my planet had to be destroyed to keep my sister from killing like the whole universe so now me and all my people are refugees. But hey, Loki’s back, that’s good news!”

Peter(raises his hand in the back): “…My homecoming date‘s dad turned out to be my arch nemesis and a building fell on me!“

Thor (smiles and gives a thumbs-up): “Good for you! (aside, to Tony)…Who is that person? Do we know him or did he just show up?”


one day, viktor ambushes a twitter thread dedicated to how beautiful HE is and attaches a picture before tweeting with it: “i’m sorry but the most beautiful person world isn’t myself. it’s this gorgeous man right here.”

the picture is of a peacefully sleeping yuuri, soft rays of sun peeking through the parting of the curtains and making him glow. he’s curled up underneath the sheets but his beautiful face is visible for all to see. 

that very tweet earns over 14k likes and 10k retweets.