
The words seemed to pierce through Victor like the bullet that would have hit his heart. Yuuri drew away from him, trembling, his voice shaken apart by the tears which refused to stop falling. When Victor said nothing, did nothing, simply gazed after him, Yuuri said it again. “Let’s end this, Victor.”

All around them, scattered at their feet, across the decks of two ships, murking the water, was death and destruction. Yuuri had flown to his family, to tell them of Victor, and found their world about to fall into ruin. The weight of his sister’s body in his arms had been crushing, the smear of her blood against his skin like a stain he couldn’t wash off. Yuuri had flown to Victor to watch him be shot, for a second time, because of Yuuri. 

Yuuri’s action had caused this. How many times had he brought Victor close to death? Yuuri was selfish and greedy, he had claimed Victor as a mate without explaining to him what that meant, without considering that the world would oppose the mere idea of them together. 

Victor gave him so much love, so much care, he gave him everything that Yuuri could have ever wanted and more, and Yuuri gave him back this. His beloved ship shredded, his crew bleeding, his life in peril once again. And Yuuri knew, knew that Victor would chase him to the edge of the earth if Yuuri didn’t stop him. 

Any magic left within him, Yuuri used, unable to steady his voice as he commanded Victor through the blur of his tears, words choking him as he spoke. “You should… you should f-forget… me.”

He couldn’t read Victor’s face, couldn’t see it, blinded by pain sweeping through him, at the notion that the safest life his mate could live would be without him. If the world opposed them, fought against them being together, like it had from the very start, well, they couldn’t win against the world. 

Yuuri saw, through the unfocused haze filling his eyes, the pink of Victor’s coat blurring into cropped silver. Victor had risen and closed the step of distance between them. Before Yuuri could beat his wings to rip himself away and into the sky, he was caught in an unforgiving embrace. 

He felt the slide of Victor’s hand across his skin, the cool metal of his rings caressing the back of Yuuri’s neck. The other arm looped his waist and pulled him close, so close, Victor’s hold around him like the only sanctuary that Yuuri would ever need. 

“L-let go,” Yuuri begged, even though he didn’t want to. 


And Victor didn’t. Yuuri broke down completely, clinging to the torn fabric of his shirt, his gasping sobs flooding out without any chance at control. Victor held him and soothed him, played with the tips of Yuuri’s hair, letting Yuuri collapse in his arms until his tears ran dry and his heaving sobs began to calm.   

Yuuri clung, not wanting to let go, afraid that if he did his commands would take effect and Victor would slip from his grasp to never return. Only Victor’s hold on him remained. When Yuuri finally stopped crying, Victor tipped his face up and wiped his tears away once again, the smile on his lips so unfair that it tore at Yuuri’s heart over and over until he was weak and defeated.   

“Why would you say such things, Yuuri?”

Yuuri didn’t know what to do, how to answer. He was lost and scared, visions of his family captured to be kept as pets and of Victor burning up with fever from a festering gunshot wound flashing through his mind. “I-… I keep causing this. I keep doing this. You keep getting hurt because of me. With… with Yakov, with the raid, now, what if that bullet hadn’t missed you now, this is on me, Victor, I can’t– I don’t want you to die because of me…”

Yuuri felt the pressure building in his throat again, welling up in the ducts of his eyes. None of this, none of it would have happened if Yuuri had never washed up into Victor’s life.  

“Lovebird, without you my life wouldn’t be worth living. How could you say that when you’re the only thing I have worth dying for?” Victor’s smile burrowed its way into Yuuri’s heart, weaving into it, nesting there. Yuuri never wanted to be without it. He was lost, but Victor was grounding him, tugging him back, back into his arms, back home. “You’re what saved me. You healed me when you brought me medicine, you flew me off those docks after I got myself caught, and you saved me now.”

Yuuri shook his head. “I didn’t–”

“You did, lovebird. You think I wouldn’t have the navy chasing after me if you weren’t with me? I would have been shot regardless.” His arms not letting Yuuri go, Victor reached down and picked the small bronze case off the deck, slipping it into Yuuri’s hands. “My love for you and yours for me is what’s kept me going for this long.“ 

Hands shaking, Yuuri pried open the case and nearly dropped the rings inside. He caught them, the gold bright against his skin. Yuuri blinked, the deep blue of the sapphires lining them dazzling in the sunlight beaming down on them, and then he realized what they were. What Victor had told him about, when explaining the custom of a human mating ceremony. The sapphires were from the rock he had brought for Victor, the one that Victor had hidden away, insisting one keeping it safe. The one that had so upset Yuuri, thinking his gifts had gone unappreciated.

"I don’t want to end this, ever,” Victor said, taking one of the rings from Yuuri’s palm. His touch was as gentle as ever, all love as he slid the band onto Yuuri’s right hand, on the one finger Yuuri had never worn one on before. “Because maybe it’s true we’ll never stop fighting, that we’ll always have something chasing after us to try to keep us apart. But I always want to be fighting alongside you. You’re my mate, Yuuri, for life. Human or siren, we have the same concept in our cultures. Of loving someone so much that you want to be with them, forever. If the world wants us apart, then I want to sink the world together with you. Will you stay and fight by my side?" 

Yuuri had thought he had no more tears left in him. But Victor filled his soul to the brink and made him spill over. His trembling hands slid the pair band onto Victor’s, tangling their fingers together to see how the matching rings shined, pressing against each other. He nodded and fell against Victor, never wanting to be apart from him again. "Till death do us part.”








To those trying to use my post to say Terry Pratchett would have been for the racist right wing rhetoric that resulted in Brexit…what’s it like being Lord Rust?

“You can’t put words in an author’s mouth”

Okay but, and I’m going to go out on a limb here, *steeples fingers in front of face and takes a deep breath* when you spend the entirety of 41+ books telling people to fight back against the evils in society, which he perceived and portrayed to be racism, sexism, classicism, ageism, greed, neglect, war and the every day small minded acts of bigotry that make society sick as a whole, I’m going to go ahead and say Terry wouldn’t be to happy with people chanting “Make Britain White Again” while firebombing the local kebab shop. Just a hunch.

One of his books was literally called Jingo and featured a kebab shop being firebombed. And the protagonists were outraged by this and did everything they could to help the owner. The words were already in Pterry’s mouth back in 1997.

“It was much better to imagine men in some smokey room somewhere, made
mad and cynical by privilege and power, plotting over brandy. You had to
cling to this sort of image, because if you didn’t then you might have
to face the fact that bad things happened because ordinary people, the
kind who brushed the dog and told the children bed time stories, were
capable of then going out and doing horrible things to other ordinary
people. It was so much easier to blame it on Them. It was bleakly
depressing to think that They were Us. If it was Them, then nothing was
anyone’s fault. If it was Us, then what did that make Me? After all, I’m
one of Us. I must be. I’ve certainly never thought of myself as one of
Them. No one ever thinks of themselves as one of Them. We’re always one
of Us. It’s Them that do the bad things.”

Jingo– Terry Pratchett (1997)

Discworld was a deeply progressive book universe, where diversity was always a strength, where kindness was the great problem solver. How coukd anyone read any of his books and think he was ever conservative in any way?

God bless how can you get PTerry so blessedly wrong?

By not actually reading the books? Honestly, I don’t get how you can read over 40 novels worth of books and NOT GET THE BASIC PREMISE?

List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they’re working on!

I was tagged by @history-rover​! Thank you, hon! ♥
Oh, the things I’m working on… OTL

  • the next chapter of C Major
  • my piece for fantasy zine
  • outlining the final 2 chapters of Your Hands In My Hair
  • doing the general outline of my next au, which I will be mysterious about for the time being 👀 (no use creating hype for it when I still have to finish my current wips before I start another multi-chapter)

Tagging! @extranikiforov, @lazzchan, @chessala, @postingpebbles, @spookyfoot, @sinkingorswimming! ^^